Prior Authorization
If you have ever been told by your pharmacy or your provider that your medicine or referral/imaging procedure requires a “Prior Auth” before they can proceed, you may have felt confused and frustrated.
We wanted to share with you the complex process this can for your provider be to help you to better understand.
A prior authorization (prior auth) is a requirement by your health insurance plan to obtain approval for specified medical services such as certain
- Prescription medications
- Diagnostic imaging,
- Physical therapy
- Medical equipment.
Without this approval, the medical service will not be covered by your insurance. And sometimes prior auth requests are denied by the insurance company.
SRMG handles prior auths for our patients – usually for new prescriptions and imaging.
See the example below of a typical prior auth process for a medication (please note that the process varies from patient to patient and can be different for each person/situation).
Your provider prescribes a new, brand name medication for you, or it may be a medication you have been on chronically, but you have changed insurance plans and now have different pharmacy benefits.
- The prescription is sent to the pharmacy
- The pharmacy runs your claim through your insurance and the claim is rejected because a prior auth is needed
- The pharmacy contacts SRMG to let us know (this is sent through fax)
- SMRG contacts your insurance on your behalf to request the prior auth through multiple ways depending on your prescription plan. Typically this is submitted through your chart to your insurance carrier. (we may need to call you to gather for more information)
- When SRMG receives approval of your prior auth. If the prior auth is denied, we work with your SRMG provider and you to appeal the denial or to find an alternative medication for you that your prescription plan will cover.
This process with your insurance company can sometimes take days to complete. This can be because your plan is requiring more information to validate the need for the medication.
Please be assured that SRMG’s prior authorization team is working hard for you behind the scenes to help you get the medicine or care that you need as quickly as they can.
Note: Most insurance plans also require a prior authorization for high-end diagnostic imaging. Please contact your health plan directly for specific details.