Check for ticks!

tick check

Tick season is in full swing. Here are some tips to #BeTickAware:

  1. Dress the part. When possible, wear clothing that keeps ticks off your skin and makes them easier to spot (long sleeve/pants and light colors) in high tick traffic areas.
  2. Wear repellent. Use on-skin repellent (DEET, picardin 20%, oil or lemon eucalyptus) and on-clothing repellent (permethrin). Using both can provide double the protection!
  3. Always CHECK for ticks! Look everywhere. They love to hide in areas such as the scalp, behind ears, under arms and between fingers and toes, waist, back, belly button and groin.

Keep your family and pets safe this tick season by using preventive measures to avoid bites and Lyme disease.